Reative Dogs

Reactivity in dogs is a term used to describe a dog's reaction to certain stimuli, such as other dogs, people, or even certain sounds or objects. This reaction can be displayed in various ways, such as barking, lunging, growling, or even biting. Reactive behavior can be a result of various reasons, including but not limited to under-socialization as a puppy, fear, anxiety, poor treatment, or abuse, or even illnesses.

The initial assessment is a crucial step in identifying the underlying cause of the reactivity. During the assessment, we will observe and evaluate the dog's behavior, as well as discuss the dog's history and any incidents of reactivity. This information will help us to develop an understanding of the triggers that cause the reactivity and the severity of the behavior.

Once the underlying cause of the reactivity is identified, we will work with the dog and their guardian to develop a personalized training plan.

It's important to note that reactivity can take time and patience to address, and there is no "quick fix" solution. Consistency and commitment to the training plan are crucial for success.